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Economic Scenarios

Fusaro: “It is the weak who pay for COVID abuses!”

News from the new world of COVID Lockdown and authoritarianism:

The first from Genoa : in line at the soup kitchen , they are fined for gatherings, because "they had been warned". What were the poor to do? Do not eat? Who is the commander of the Cantunè?

The second from Como : a 400 euro fine to the homeless man who lives under the arcades for having left his home. In this case it was the NATIONAL police (that of Lamorgese) that acted, not the local one.

We are witnessing a repression, an authoritarian involution of a power which, if we had truly learned the lesson of the struggle against regimes, would deserve to be highly challenged. Instead we suffer it in silence thinking that it is for a good purpose, to save our lives. Is fining a homeless man to save our life? Does fining desperate people queuing for a hot meal save our lives? Did we really not understand that the "saving lives" formula is aimed at taking away our rights, freedoms and social achievements? And as always, it is the weakest who pay the consequences. Today the tramp, sooner or later they will hit everyone. It's just a matter of time.

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The Fusaro article : "It is the weak who pay for COVID abuses!" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/fusaro-sono-i-deboli-a-pagare-gli-abusi-del-covid/ on Sat, 21 Nov 2020 16:46:37 +0000.