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Economic Scenarios

Fusaro: “Mattarella speaks, but ignores our rights”

President Mattarella sent yet another appeal to the general agreement between the majority and the opposition, yet another request for broad understandings, for "Concordia" etc. A frankly embarrassing situation: if the government really wanted to move towards a solution of broad agreements it should, first of all, open its program to the requests and advice of the opposition, perhaps even changing some minister. If all this invitation to "work in common" is nothing more than an order to accept the usual, bankruptcy, policies of the Conte government, then better than the laughing lawyer go his own way and take all his responsibilities personally. ,

Fusaro rightly points out that in the entire speech of the president, however, one never speaks of constitutional rights violated in this "Emergency Period", from that of movement, to that of reunion, to that of economic initiative. He does not even remember to wish, sooner or later, his return. All fundamental rights are forgotten in the name of a "Unity" which is none other than the fear of being swept away not so much by the epidemic as by popular fury.

Good Listening.

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The article Fusaro: «Mattarella speaks, but ignores our rights» comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/fusaro-mattarella-parla-ma-ignora-i-nostri-diritti/ on Wed, 18 Nov 2020 16:16:53 +0000.