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Economic Scenarios

Giulio Sapelli: “Both Trump and Biden see China as an enemy”

Professor Giulio Sapelli explains the reason for the current complex situation. the origins are in the disintegration of the Soviet Union, after which there was not, as after the end of Napoleon or the Second World War, an international conference to rebalance the power between the various parties at stake. Instead it went towards US monopolarism, betraying the agreements between Raegan and Gorbachov, first with al Clinton who brought the former Soviet countries into NATO (Baltic republics) and then with the US neocons, extremely interventionist under the guise of human rights.

All this led to a disaster because on the one hand Clinton gave way to China, and Bush destabilized half the world, but in the end he left undemocratic countries at the top of human rights all over the world, with Arabia. Saudi leading them to the UN, and China leading the WHO: The world is moving towards a complete disintegration :; in China there is the hidden struggle between the bourgeoisie and Xi Jingping, in the Mediterranean the Turkish expansionism, linked to its energy needs is counterbalanced by a military policy of Macron in Lebanon and alongside Greece, and chaos reigns in Central Africa, new heart of the crisis.

In the meantime, the US has a vision in which China is seen as the enemy, also because it is not clear what will happen in a closed, dictatorial and contradictory country. However, world politics is disintegrating and the political classes are no longer able to face the various challenges.

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The article Giulio Sapelli: "Both Trump and Biden see China as an enemy" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/giulio-sapelli-sia-trump-sia-biden-vedono-la-cina-come-un-nemico/ on Mon, 14 Sep 2020 08:00:42 +0000.