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Economic Scenarios

Google analytics banned in Austria, when in other EU countries?

The Austrian Data Authority (DSB) has decided: Google Analytics is banned on Austrian territory. the main tool for analyzing website visitor data and used in a semi-monopolistic situation on the web can no longer be used in Austria. The problem is that the premises are such that the same decision can also be taken by all the other data and privacy guarantors at European level. It is enough that the appeals begin to be filed.

At the basis of everything is the ruling of the European Court of Justice called "Schrem II": This ruling invalidated the so-called "Privacy Shield", ie the possibility of transferring data overseas on the basis of the assumption that the data have the same protection on both sides of the Atlantic. The Court of Justice has canceled this assumption that all the American web majors that transfer their data on American servers have become immediately, potentially punishable. It just takes someone to get started.

This happened in Austria. The DSB. at the request of the NGO NOYB, has decreed that Google Analytics acts illegally, because in its agreement with the sites that use it, it is possible to transfer data to Google LLC in the USA and on its servers. This violates the GDPR agreement on data privacy, for which, at this point, Google Analytics has been defined as an illegal tool by the Austrian authority which has prohibited its use.

So the advertising quasi-monopolist, the king in data management, can now no longer use his main tool in Austria. Potentially all the other privacy authorities of the other countries could act in the same way, indeed they should, because the Schrem II is clear as a ruling. What will be the first consumer association to act in Italy?

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Google analytics article banned in Austria, when in other EU countries? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/google-analytics-vietato-in-austria-a-quando-negli-altri-paesi-ue/ on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 19:33:11 +0000.