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Government under attack: Arcuri man arrested, Conte thinks about elections

It continues to rain on the government, and the judiciary is dropping the water. This morning the guarantee notice to Zingaretti, this afternoon the news of the arrest of Natale Errigo, a trusted man of the super commissioner Domenico Arcuri first to Invitalia and then in the Covid-19 emergency. In this case, the investigation is the one that led the Cesa secretary of the UDC to be investigated and it is very heavy: in fact it is an exchange vote with the Ndrangheta in the 2018 elections.

Errigo is a loyalist of Arcuri and all this puts the entire commissioner management in a bad light. Who brings the Commissioner with him? Above all, in view of what has been happening in recent days, how does the Five Star Movement continue to support a government that seems increasingly marked by inquiries that question its key elements.

How can such a weak coalition and every day affected by these kinds of events go on? Especially when the relative majority party had, at least once, as its base a gross justicialism that condemned Siri before the trial and that would still see the theoretical wing of the Dibbi in strict defense of legality.

One day it will be necessary to think about a reform of the guarantee notice, which, as in the Anglo-Saxon countries, should be absolutely secret until the suspect is indicted or arrested, but, for now, we must live with what is there . What is now puts Conte more and more in the corner, to the point that, as reported by Il Giornale, he too is thinking about the elections and the " National Civic List " the party of the PdC that will have the great merit of weakening both the M5s, which risks falling 10%, and the PD, which, according to the latest polls, would slide behind the Brothers of Italy.

The next few days are going to be really interesting. +

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The article Government under attack: Arcuri's man arrested, Conte thinks about the elections comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/governo-sotto-attacco-uomo-di-arcuri-arrestato-conte-pensa-alle-elezioni/ on Fri, 22 Jan 2021 18:13:04 +0000.