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Grane for Facebook: illegitimately collected biometric data (better Minds …)

Facebook headquarters in Sydney, via Facebook

In one of the largest privacy violation financial deals ever, a California federal district court judge last week approved a $ 650 million settlement that Facebook will have to pay to approximately 1.6 million users in the state of 'Illinois.

The payment will reimburse all users whose faces FB used to create standard biometric templates, in violation of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA).

However, this is not the only legal action facing Menlo Park's social media: in fact, a second lawsuit began last October, called Whalen v. Facebook, Inc. involving Instagram illegitimately using photos uploaded by customers to incorrectly extract from, and Instagram is also owned by FB. In this case, the social media submitted a request to suspend the legal action and propose arbitration

The truths revealed by this loyal action should concern everyone. in Illinois they have this law, the BIPA, which is among the strictest on privacy in the United States, which requires explicit permission to use biometric data and which allows for collective action. We don't have anything in Europe. Our personal traits, extracted from FB photos, can be used to create biometric models. If you hook biometric models to people's habits we have a nice Lombroso 2.0, powered by AI, which could define characters by traits.

In the end it is better to use social media that does not save data. As you know I really like Minds.com , but .. everyone is looking for their own

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The article Grane for Facebook: illegitimately collected biometric data (better Minds …) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/grane-per-facebook-ha-raccolto-dati-biometrici-meglio-minds/ on Fri, 05 Mar 2021 17:24:40 +0000.