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Guess who is against the withdrawal from Afghanistan?

The final date of theoretical withdrawal from Afghanistan is approaching and of course the pro-war faction of the US House of Representatives calls for reinforcements, in the form of hearings. Who can you call to ask for the permanent stay of US troops overseas?

" Hillary Clinton and Condoleezza Rice told members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee they were concerned about President Biden's plan to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan, with Rice suggesting that the US may have to go back. “, Reports Axios .

The couple's testimony was provided via Zoom and appears to have been kept relatively confidential, as it was a “closed door” member-only call, until Axios broke the news.

Condoleezza Rice, of course, famously served as George Bush's national security adviser during the first invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq, and contributed crucially to advocating the cause of the war to the American public, later serving as Bush Secretary of State throughout 2009.

Having helped to ignite two failed wars, both of which have long remained deeply unpopular with the American public, Condi Rice as the preeminent voice of the neocons would naturally have been consulted as a point of view of "keeping course". Also noteworthy is the absolute continuity between Rice's foreign policies and Clinton's, as underlined by subsequent commitments in Libya and against Assad.

"Condi Rice is like, 'Know that, we'll probably have to go back'", amid a potential wave of terrorism, "according to a member of parliament presents, who went on to report the dangers of establishing an Islamic republic in the country. 'Central Asia.

Another committee member confirmed that both Clinton and Rice expressed concern over the potential fallout from a swift removal of all US troops.

Both also expressed concern about the protection of US diplomats on the ground after the withdrawal and what the move will mean for the global war on terror. Both stressed the need to continue with counter-terrorism operations abroad.

Ultimately, when it comes to war, there is little difference between a slice of the Republicans and its equivalent of the Democrats. Everyone wants to continue wars which are not popular and which cannot end in normal times, but which fuel enormous war spending abroad. An endless stream of violence and money.

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The article Guess Who Is Against Withdrawal From Afghanistan? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/indovinate-chi-e-contrario-al-ritiro-dallafghanistan/ on Sun, 02 May 2021 08:00:01 +0000.