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Guide to tax credit for the purchase of capital goods 4.0

To keep up with the times, especially in these years of technological revolution, companies need to invest. Entrepreneurs know this, and the State also knows it, which has provided a whole series of concessions to convince those in charge to take advantage of the concessions linked to industry 4.0. The most important is certainly the 4.0 tax credit , wanted by the Ministry of Economic Development to support those who invest in innovative, tangible and intangible capital goods, necessary for a transformation in technological and digital terms (hence the use of acronym 4.0) of the production processes.

The concessions are not one-off, but have a multi-year validity. As provided by the Mise, with regard to technologically advanced material assets, those who made an investment in 2021 are entitled to receive 50% of the cost for the share of investments up to 2.5 million euros, or 30% of the cost for the share of investments over 2.5 million euros and up to the limit of total eligible costs equal to 10 million euros, or 10% of the cost for the share of investments between 10 million euros and up to the limit total eligible costs of 20 million euros. For the current year, and it is one of the innovations recently introduced by the government on the subject of the tax credit 4.0 2022 , 40% of the cost for the share of investments up to 2.5 million euros, 20% of the cost for the portion of investments over 2.5 million euros and up to the limit of total eligible costs of 10 million euros, 10% of the cost for the portion of investments between 10 million euros and up to the limit total eligible costs of 20 million euros. As the Ministry of Economic Development reminds us, "the tax credit can be extended until June 30, 2026 provided that by December 31, 2025, the relative order is accepted by the seller and the advance payment has been made to an extent of at least equal at 20% of the acquisition cost ".

All companies based in Italy can have access to these 4.0 concessions, with the sole exception of those activities in a state of voluntary liquidation, in bankruptcy, in compulsory administrative liquidation, in arrangement with creditors without business continuity, or involved in other insolvency procedure. In order to have access to the benefits, and in particular to those related to the investments of technologically advanced tangible and intangible assets, companies are required to produce a technical report issued by an engineer or an industrial expert, or a certificate of conformity issued by an accredited certification body. Only for goods with a unit cost not exceeding 300 thousand euros, a declaration by the legal representative is sufficient.

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The article Guide to the tax credit for the purchase of capital goods 4.0 comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/guida-al-credito-dimposta-per-lacquisto-di-beni-strumentali-4-0-2/ on Thu, 19 May 2022 08:16:43 +0000.