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Economic Scenarios

Hope sows terror, and Locatelli responds in kind (to listen to)

Today speech of pure terror that can be summed up in a ferase:

"Without changing lifestyle habits there is no coexistence with viruses".

We survived the Great Plague of the '300 (mortality 30%) to those of the' 500, the Manzonian one, the Cholera in 1800 (and at the time, by order of the scientists, the walls were destroyed to "Circulate the air ”, When cholera is transmitted differently) to two world wars. So far we have survived two world wars, bad for the euro, we survive every day a heart attack and cancer, at least until the state's unpreparedness has destroyed the health system. We have survived more or less everything, indeed.

What risks killing us is an unprepared, undemocratic and bungling government. An authoritarian government that despises citizens, constitution and other powers, these with democratic legitimacy. We can understand how democracy sucks the left more and more, but ignoring it destroys Western civilization and the very foundation of society.

We invite you to attend Alessandra Locatelli's speech in parliament, precisely in response to Speranza, who says many, many right things.

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The article Speranza sows terror, and Locatelli responds in kind (to listen to) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/speranza-semina-terrore-e-la-locatelli-gli-risponde-per-le-rime-da-ascoltare/ on Fri, 06 Nov 2020 21:41:13 +0000.