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Economic Scenarios

How did we become modern slaves?

Modern slaves
How did we become modern slaves? Our recent three-part publication on scenarieconomici.it attempted to give answers that today inspire the new cycle of meetings in public.

Economia Spiegata Facile introduces us to the history of philosophies that were once considered slaveholders and today instead ultra-progressive.

Download the file with the history of economic histories and find out how we could have fallen so low without almost realizing it.

The ideologies that turned us into modern slaves

In the beginning, the economy was considered to be a natural law, or the law of the strongest, in which the rich were rich because they were blessed by God. They exercised power through agreements between them in order to keep wages low and income high. profits. With the same objective they made agreements with the rulers asking for and sometimes proposing laws to regulate the economy.

Adam Smith, history of economic histories

Then we came to consider economics as an exact science, therefore infallible and, as such, it has taken on the characteristics of a religion of revealed truth.
In between, we experienced a short period of mixed economy, which placed well-being and human dignity at the center of everything.
In this short period we have lived in widespread well-being even among the lower classes.
An Italian single-income family was able to buy a house, to move with their own car, to go on vacation (sometimes even during a white week), to send their children to university and at the same time to set aside 25% of their income.
But nobody remembers it. And who remembers it calls all this, having lived beyond our means.

Today, even with advanced technologies that allow us to produce with less effort and in a fraction of the time, Italians “earn” as they did thirty years ago. Unique in Europe. As in a period in which the precariousness and the cutting of wages for millions of workers began.

And we seem to live in grace. In a new era of enlightened existence filled with gender fluid rights.


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This is how we became modern slaves.

At the base of this involution, compared to the years of the economic boom, there is the liberal ideology. A dominant economic doctrine both in universities and in political and industrial fora, which provides that the state – which during post-war reconstruction exercises the main lever of reorganization – must be excluded from the economy and finance and must not even maintain any control over same.

As everyone can see, this ideology has made us all poorer by reducing even more the number of the super rich and precarious millions of lives in Italy and in the world. At the same time we see crowds cheering this fantastic progress …

Knowing how all of this has been made possible, overwhelming entire generations of people, is necessary to take measures to the ideas, promises and purposes of politicians, industrialists and influencers.
Economia Spiegata Facile created a short and concise presentation of the facts.
We have made a small illustrated manual
(one hour reading), which summarizes and lines up the theories and characters that have gradually introduced them into our lives.

von Mises, history of economic histories

Does the society in which we live, in continuous and daily updating of values ​​and priorities, arise from chance?

Is there a direction or at least a shared will on an ideological level for this to happen?
With our manual you will be able to get a precise idea of ​​what awaits us in the immediate future and you will know if it is something useful to you or to someone else …

Keynes, history of economic histories

  • How do the demands to squeeze wages even more manifest themselves today?
  • Who inspired the “tears and blood” recipes?
  • What role does liberal propaganda play in this whole process?
  • What lies behind today's so-called progressive campaigns?
  • Who are the politicians and the most prominent and behind the scenes personalities promoting the alleged progressive ideas?
  • Did we citizens have a role in all this or have we been waiting as external spectators to this process of change?

In the history handbook of economic histories you will discover that today's world is backward up to three to four hundred years ago despite being passed off as pure modernity.

Download it for free now.

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The article How Did We Become Modern Slaves? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/schiavi-moderni/ on Tue, 19 Apr 2022 09:12:09 +0000.