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Economic Scenarios

In memory of Giuseppe Di Donno: “I want to save as many people as possible, then return to anonymity”

Giuseppe Di Donno, the head of pneumology of Mantua who, among the first, exposed himself to test the therapy of hyperimmune serum. There are many patients who believe they have been saved from his therapy, who still thank him, yet the general hostility has led him to the extreme act of suicide.

The bitterness towards Doctor De Donno's therapy had surfaced from the beginning: first a visit from the Nas, then the long-distance quarrels with some exponents of virology and microbiology that often dot the national TV channels had led him to move away from spotlights, until he resigns from his role at the Poma in Mantua to return to practice as a general practitioner To remind you, we propose again this interview granted to 'Lavori in Corso' on May 5, 2020, immediately after the first thrusts from the television salons and the visit of the Nas in the ward.

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The article In memory of Giuseppe Di Donno: “I want to save as many people as possible, then return to anonymity” comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/in-ricordo-di-giuseppe-di-donno-voglio-salvare-piu-persone-possibili-poi-tornare-nellanonimato/ on Thu, 29 Jul 2021 07:15:53 +0000.