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Independence YOU CAN HAVE: By the end of the year, Poland will be COMPLETELY disconnected from Russian energy

Port of Gdansk Photo by Jens Peter Olesen on Unsplash

Poland intends to start phasing out Russian energy sources almost immediately to complete it by the end of the current year. This should radically change national policies on coal, natural gas and oil. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Wednesday said his country presents "Europe's most radical plan" for this. At the latest by May, “we will activate a total embargo on Russian coal. We invite all other countries to do the same ”. The bill also includes coal from the so-called "People's Republics" in eastern Ukraine . It is a type of fuel that had been sold for years and sold as Russian coal in EU countries, including Germany. In Poland, coal imported from Russia has recently covered around 15 percent of the country's electricity needs, while around 70 percent of the country's electricity comes from coal-fired power generation.

" We are aware that this could raise legal concerns, unfortunately legitimate, but we can no longer wait for an EU response on this issue ," said a government spokesman. " Germany, the Netherlands, Hungary " would have prevented such a law, in the name of the single market and its energy dependence. If nothing else, the Polish government has explained which are the truly pro-Russian governments, taking some of the responsibility off poor Orban's shoulders. Prime Minister Morawiecki has proposed a special EU tax on Russian energy sources. There should be no return to " those criminal and negative policies that have created dependence on Russia and have given Putin euros and dollars with which to expand their nuclear arsenal and attack neighboring countries ".

Poland recently covered around 67% of its oil needs from Russia. The head of the state-owned oil company PKN Orlen, Daniel Obajtek, said Wednesday that 28 oil tankers have been ordered since the beginning of the Russian war "which completely cover our needs". According to the media, the Russian supplies will be replaced by Saudi oil, purchased with medium-term agreements and which will arrive in Gdansk where the infrastructures to receive it are ready. As far as Russian gas is concerned, the current poor supply contract will not be confirmed at the end of the year and we will rely on LNG, i.e. liquefied gas, on the gas produced in the North Sea and which will arrive with the new Baltic pipe, and probably on an increase in the use of that produced nationally. Curiously, Yamal, one of the main gas pipelines that supplies Germany, passes through Poland.

In the diplomatic war with Moscow, Warsaw froze Russian investments, actually limited, on its territory and also froze the current accounts of the Russian embassy, ​​in response to a similar move by Moscow. We observe how interesting it is how Poland, outside the Euro and "Enemy" of Brussels, is for now the only European country to achieve energy independence from Moscow.

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The article Independence CAN BE HAVE: By the end of the year Poland will be COMPLETELY disconnected from Russian energy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lindipendenza-si-puo-avere-entro-fine-anno-la-polonia-sara-completamente-disconnessa-dallenergia-russa/ on Thu, 31 Mar 2022 10:00:36 +0000.