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Economic Scenarios

Interview with Paolo Savola: irredeemable securities and virtual currencies


Rare and important interview with prof. Paolo Savona at Rai. The current president of Consob and former minister of the economy "In Fieri" of the yellow-green government speaks of some difficult economic issues with the usual ease.

First of all, there is talk of irredeemable securities as a tool to overcome the crisis. This is an exceptional vehicle suitable for exceptional situations, but which can be useful now precisely because it does not include the weight of the reimbursement.

So we talk about Bitcoin and virtual currencies issued by central banks, a topic that is beginning to be talked about in the West, but which is already in an advanced stage of testing in the East, as those who read Economic Scenarios have had the opportunity to know.

Have a good listening!

Paolo Savona

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The article Interview with Paolo Savola: irredeemable securities and virtual currencies comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/intervista-a-paolo-savona-titoli-irredimibili-e-valute-virtuali/ on Sat, 05 Dec 2020 07:00:47 +0000.