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Maxwell-Epstein trial: it could even end in acquittal. Few witnesses?

The trial of Ghislane Maxwell, the woman accused of being Jeffrey Epstein's assistant in his round of exploiting child prostitution for the rich and powerful, is coming to an end. But the plaintiffs attorneys wonder why the FBI called only four victims of abuse to testify, even though many more are known. A deliberately weakened process?

Attorney Adam Horowitz, representing several victims, said: " They had a mountain of evidence they could have brought " noting that the prosecution " had a very difficult burden and did not seem to present as much evidence as it was believed they would . "

Maxwell, Epstein's ex-girlfriend, is accused of helping to control his circle of underage prostitutes, indeed of having been an active part in his organization. Yet it all boiled down to a few cases. However, in the event of a conviction, he risks a penalty of up to 40 years.

The plaintiff attorney continued: " An acquittal wouldn't surprise me." they".

Robert Lewis, who represents Sarah Ransome, an Epstein victim who attended the trial but isn't testifying, also thinks Maxwell's attorneys have made their way into the minds of jurors.

" The defense has prepared some interesting questions " for the jury to discuss, he said. " Some of them may be inclined to acquittal ".

Lawyers for the civil parties have seen a traditional tactic on the part of the defense in an attempt to demolish their trustworthiness. During cross-examination, Maxwell's attorneys questioned them about the inconsistencies between their testimony at the trial and previous reports they provided to law enforcement or in civil cases.

I think it's normal for people to tell the same story a little differently every time, ” said Horowitz. " But in the context of a jury trial, when it's sworn testimony, it becomes effective when the defense can hit those holes ."

Maxwell's team also argued that her prosecutors' attorneys influenced their memories to maximize their own return, recalling how each had gotten very rich payouts from previous civil trials.

Prosecutors denied having any financial incentive to testify, while prosecutors said "unequivocally" that there was no money at stake for witnesses.

Attorney Lisa Bloom, who represents several of Epstein's victims, said the defense " wants us to believe, without evidence, that civil lawyers manipulated the victims 'memories, or that the victims' inability to prosecute Maxwell years ago means they're lying now, "adding" We don't believe the jury will accept these lies and myths . "

Soon the jury will issue its verdict

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The Maxwell-Epstein Trial: It Might Even End In An acquittal. Few witnesses? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/processo-maxwell-epstein-potrebbe-perfino-finire-con-unassoluzione-pochi-testimoni/ on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 09:00:50 +0000.