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Mexico brings a $ 10 billion lawsuit to the US arms industry.

Mexico filed a lawsuit in a US court Wednesday against Smith & Wesson Brands Inc., Glock Inc., Sturm, Ruger & Co. and other major arms manufacturers, accusing them of contributing to gang violence south of the country. border ". All reported by Bloomberg and other sources.

The companies are accused of creating chaos in Mexican society by "constantly supplying a torrent of weapons to the drug cartels," according to the civil suit filed in a federal district court in Massachusetts.

The complaint lists American manufacturers "whose weapons are most often recovered in Mexico" – most notably Barrett and his highly sought after .50 caliber sniper rifle – the following:

  • Smith & Wesson
  • Glock and Sturm
  • Ruger and Co.,
  • Beretta USA Corp,
  • Colt's Manufacturing Company LLC and Century International Arms Inc.
  • Barrett
  • the Interstate weapons wholesaler

The text of the lawsuit states that "For decades the government and its citizens have been victims of a deadly flood of military and other particularly lethal weapons flowing from the United States across the border into criminal hands in Mexico."

Mexico adds that “This flood is not a natural phenomenon or an inevitable consequence of the arms business or US arms laws. It is the foreseeable result of the deliberate actions and commercial practices of the accused ".


The demand is for compensation in an amount to be determined by the court, he indicates the filing, while ultimately seeking to end what he describes as "dangerous and illegal selling practices" of US arms companies. And pointing out that Mexico considers it "intentional", the document adds that publicly traded companies sell "in ways that they normally know how to arm drug cartels in Mexico." Some Mexican officials speak of a requested reimbursement of 10 billion dollars. After all, the weapons produced in the USA, according to what we read in the case, have killed more Mexicans than Americans, and in large proportion:

All this despite the sale of arms in Mexico is strictly regulated. Among the most sought-after American weapons, even on a symbolic level, the special Colt 1911 dedicated to Emiliano Zapata, which has become a real status symbol among Mexican drug lords.

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Article Mexico sues US arms industry for 10 billion. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/il-messico-fa-una-causa-da-10-miliardi-allindustria-delle-armi-usa/ on Thu, 05 Aug 2021 08:09:08 +0000.