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Economic Scenarios

Mitt Romney booed in his constituency. Punished for betraying Trump

With the end of the lockdowns, party conventions resumed in the various constituencies, also in preparation for the Mid Term votes in 2022. Mitt Romney, Republican, but sworn enemy of Trump whose impeachmnet he voted, buys in front of the convention of the GOP of Utah, his boarding school.

But the reception was not what the Senator expected in his party and in his college: in fact he was greeted by a salvo from "Booooo" which forced him to interrupt the speech and ask for the intervention of the presenter.

Romney tried to defend himself, but he tripped over his words. He recalled his allegiance to the Republican party, stating that his father was too and had been governor of Michigan, but that didn't stop the protests.

This was his party's convention, and it was contested. What will happen if he stands as a candidate in the elections? Trump's revenge is slow, but inexorable …

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The Mitt Romney article booed in his constituency. Punished for betraying Trump comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mitt-romney-fischiato-nel-suo-collegio-elettorale-punito-per-aver-tradito-trump/ on Sun, 02 May 2021 15:45:03 +0000.