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Economic Scenarios

Molinari: Single Nuclear Depot, but how were the candidate sites chosen?

Riccardo Molinari asks himself some big and important questions: but Sogin, who has to identify the Single Deposit of Italian Nuclear Waste, but with that criterion selects the candidate sites. For example, five of these places are concentrated in the province of Alessandria alone, with Unesco areas such as Monferrato, home to important artistic activities, an important agricultural area (and I also add seismic area), or Bosco Marengo, where there is already a Seveso high-risk chemical industry. Or the major islands, such as Sardinia, which does not have an adequate port to transfer this waste.

At the same time Sogin ignored places that had been proposed, such as Trino Vercellese, which had already been the site of an active nuclear power plant and therefore is not afraid of this type of activity.

Is it possible that we cannot understand how the location of such an impactful plant is chosen?

Good listening and thanks to Inreverente.

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The Molinari article : Single Nuclear Deposit, but how were the candidate sites chosen? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/molinari-deposito-unico-nuclere-ma-come-sono-stati-scelti-i-luoghi-candidati/ on Wed, 14 Apr 2021 08:00:27 +0000.