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Mortgages and loans: how the market changes after the pandemic

With the advent of the Coronavirus everything has changed, the crisis has hit us hard and, while last year we could not even imagine seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, today the markets are recovering, fixed rate mortgages are low and the economy is slowly returning to circulation. With regard to the market for loans, mortgages and, more generally, credit applications, the estimates for the first quarter of 2021, prepared by CRIF – SDA Bocconi, indicate a steady but fluctuating trend in some sectors. The research was carried out by working on two scenarios, one more critical (LOW) and one more profitable (HIGH) which led to “fork” results showing the possible variation. In this article we want to focus on the excellent work done by this financial analysis and research team on the 2021 estimates, going to discover, specifically, what the new trends will be for this particular year.

Personal loans are on a steady but slow recovery. Families have resumed asking banks and credit institutions for them, with an increase of + 17% compared to the fourth half of 2020. All types are on the rise, such as the INPDAP loan, the loan of honor, the credit card
revolving and, above all, the most convenient and widespread of these: the Assignment of the fifth of the
salary and pension. Speaking of the Sale, which is not part of the research, there has been a notable increase in demand, through credit institutions and banks spread throughout the country. On 8 April 2021, in Message n.1454, INPS communicated the new average rates and the usury threshold rates which are slightly decreasing on requests of over € 15,000, from 7.49 to 7.69, and a little more high as regards amounts up to € 15,000, from 11.14 to 11.20; a nice plus! Probably the Cession of the Fifth Credem stands out among the most requested
facilitated by the conditions and professionalism of its consultants, who follow the customers step by step.

The finalized credit, less than 5,000 euros, recovered compared to 2020, showing growth between + 8% and + 13%, but with a lower performance compared to the positive end of the last quarter, between -29 % and -26%.

The values ​​of the targeted loans, exceeding 5,000 euros, show a regrowth compared to 2020, with a positive variation between + 2% and + 13%, even in the event of an unfavorable context.

Mortgages, thanks also to the extraordinary rate conditions (especially fixed), fueled the subrogation and renegotiation market, performing better than in the same period of 2020, with a positive variation between + 11% and + 26%.

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The article Mortgages and loans: how the market changes after the pandemic comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mutui-e-prestiti-come-cambia-il-mercato-dopo-la-pandemia/ on Sun, 25 Apr 2021 08:14:10 +0000.