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No, Bruce Willis did not sell the rights to his face to create a “digital double”

Bruce Willis retired from acting following a diagnosis of aphasia, which causes difficulties in communicating with others, but the news that shook the media was that he had authorized the creation of a "digital twin" that would use deepfake technology. to continue living in movies and commercials.

According to the Telegraph, Willis would be the "first Hollywood star" to sell the rights to his digital twin in perpetuity. The actor will license his digital rights through a company called DeekCake, which specializes in artificial intelligence.

Deepcake's website reads: "We create digital twins of people who are indistinguishable from reality." A truly disruptive technology that would put the film market in crisis and would also allow many stars to extend their artistic life. Too bad that, in the case of Bruce Willis, this news was not true.

As reported by the BBC , Bruce Willis' agent denied the news that the movie star would sell the rights to his face. A spokesperson for the actor told the BBC that he has "no partnership or agreement" with the company. And a rep from Deepcake stated that only Willis had the rights to his face. so for a week many newspapers have talked, literally, about nothing, although the possibility of creating the deepfakes of the actors is absolutely real. In reality what seems to have happened is that last year they have DeepCake, which is a Russian company, used, authorized, the face of Bruce Willis for a commercial message for a Russian mobile phone company.

Bruce Willis's face was digitally superimposed on that of a Russian actor for the video, creating a digital double. However, interesting as it may be, it was a single, not the transfer of the actor's image to society, the perennial "digitization" of the character launched by Die Hard.

For now the actors will remain in the flesh. Meanwhile, there are already many other TV characters to be made of cardboard.

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The article No, Bruce Willis did not give up the rights to his face to create a “digital double” comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/no-bruce-willis-non-ha-ceduto-i-diritti-della-sua-faccia-per-creare-un-sosia-digitale/ on Mon, 03 Oct 2022 08:00:48 +0000.