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Economic Scenarios

Non-repayable contributions for seasonal workers: 3 billion blocked, no one took the money

If the implementing regulations are poorly written, the money allocated, that is, taken from the citizens by the interest rate or on loan, remains unused, adding insult to the damage deriving from the covid-19. Yet this is what is happening in Italy with aid to street workers.

The support decree (legislative decree 73/2021) had produced a form of support for seasonal activities damaged by covid-19, with a figure that is certainly not insignificant, 3m4 billion euros, yet this money has remained in the coffers of the state for now and only a handful of contributions were actually used: in fact, at present most of the requests are still in the state of work in progress or completion of the investigation, while the Activities are now closed and at the end of the season, in any case. Yet the terms have already expired, because according to circular no. 175776/2021 published on 2 July, applications could be sent starting from 5 July 2021 and no later than 2 September 2021.

At this point there is an objective risk that a substantial part of the 3.4 billion allocated will return to being "Active residues", a term that includes the allocated and unspent funds and which do not indicate savings, but the failure of the measure, because if the money cannot even be spent, then it means that the norm was written without taking into account reality. Yet the idea covered a real, tangible starting need, that is, to provide an alternative measure to activities that could have access to ordinary refreshments, but only in a limited way due to the temporary nature of the activities. Even conceptually it was not wrong, as the refreshments were proportional to the loss of turnover, but, evidently, the related bureaucracy was excessive and now there is the risk of not using otherwise very useful billions.

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The article Non-repayable contributions for seasonal workers : 3 billion blocked, nobody took the money comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/contributi-a-fondo-perduto-per-gli-stagionali-3-miliardi-bloccati-nessuno-ha-preso-i-soldi/ on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 08:37:31 +0000.