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Economic Scenarios

Nuclear power according to the opinion of a dubious expert.

nuclear power nuclear power plants

Is nuclear power really the best solution to face the new difficulties in procuring low-cost energy sources?
Is it the most reliable technology?
Is it really the most handy?

We asked an engineer in the sector for an opinion on nuclear energy.
Curiosity arises from a nuclear engineer's distrust of the resurgent push by the media and public opinion towards a review of the referendum results.

This is not a propaganda article in the opposite sense, but the opinion of an expert in the sector, awaiting the counter deductions of those who do not agree with their comments and, if desired, with an article with a different opinion.

The opinion belongs to Fiorenzo Fraioli, a nuclear engineer who expressed his doubts, arguing them on several levels, such as the technological progress of present and future technologies, the state of uranium storage vs. other commodities, geopolitics, etc. without neglecting references to the different strategies of Westerners and China or digressions on renewables.

Fraioli's criticism focuses on the following points:

  1. How is nuclear energy perceived and communicated in the public debate?
  2. Analysis of fission power plants already in operation
  3. Innovation
  4. Today's reality
  5. The energy reserves available for nuclear power
  6. the choices of industrialized countries
  7. The international competition
  8. Problems arising from changes in international balances
  9. The question of the peak
  10. The nuclear power plants of the future
  11. The divergent paths of China and the West
  12. Q economic and Q engineering

Is nuclear energy worth it?
All the doubts of an engineer in the sector

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The article Nuclear power in the opinion of a dubious expert. comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/energia-nucleare-secondo-lopinione-di-un-esperto-dubbioso/ on Sat, 18 Mar 2023 09:50:13 +0000.