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One vaccine out of every 125 had a serious adverse effect, 40 times the official figures. Isn’t it time to open an investigation on how and who decided on the vaccination obligation?

Professor Harald Matthes of the Charite University Hospital in Berlin said Tuesday that he had 40 times more "serious side effects" of Covid-19 vaccinations than recognized by official German sources. Furthermore, Matthes urged doctors to take an active position in finding people affected by adverse effects, not relying on passive vaccine surveillance systems.

Matthes conducted a study titled " Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Profile" for a year and, after interviewing 40,000 vaccinated people, noted that one in 125 struggled with "serious side effects ," the German television network MDR reported. Tuesday.

"The number is not surprising," explained Matthes. “It corresponds to what is known from other countries such as Sweden, Israel or Canada. Incidentally, vaccine manufacturers have already determined similar values ​​in their studies ».

The professor then went on to highlight how ia alla Charité that in other clinics, effective treatments are being developed for people with vaccine complications: " Often, the presence of too many auto-antibodies in the blood plasma of those affected is the cause of the problem “, explains Prof. Matthes. " That is why we must first determine which and how many of these auto-antibodies are present ". Auto-antibodies are antibodies that do not recognize the tissues of their own body and therefore attack it. The professor also noted how many of these adverse effects persist heavily over time.

Reading this news, a question arises: Professor Matthes practically takes it for granted that this type of adverse effect is currently known, indeed that it was since the beginning of the vaccination campaign. Yet we continued with obligations and imposition without adequately assessing the adverse effects . Now, with clear and scientifically validated ex post knowledge, it would not be time not only to reverse the course, but also to start investigating who made certain decisions despite already having knowledge of the adverse effects. I'm asking for a friend …

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The article One vaccine in every 125 had a serious adverse effect, 40 times the official figures. Is it not time to open an investigation on how and who decided on the vaccination obligation? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/un-vaccinato-ogni-125-ha-avuto-un-effetto-avverso-grave-40-volte-i-dati-ufficiali-non-e-lora-di-aprire-unindagine-su-come-e-chi-ha-deciso-lobbligo-vaccinale/ on Fri, 13 May 2022 16:34:52 +0000.