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Poland is the only country that wants to defend free speech against Facebook

While half the world wants to "censor", there is a country ready to fine Facebook if it comes to censor a user's post in the name of free speech.

According to PolandIn, the Polish Minister of Justice Zbigniew Ziobro has decided to present a law against the arbitrary deletions of posts by social media, Facebook in the lead. The law states that it is FORBIDDEN to delete the content of posts if they do not violate Polish law. In case of cancellation considered illegitimate the user can send a complaint after which the platform will have 24 hours to put it back online. If this does not happen then, after 48 hours, the user will have the opportunity to appeal to a special state court which will decide on the issue. If the platform does not obey the court, then a fine of 8 million zlotys will be imposed, approximately 1.8 million euros that will be imposed by the local telecommunications authority.

Unfortunately, there are more and more cases in which both Twitter and Facebook claim the right to delete posts and ban users only on the basis of the ideas expressed, carrying out real abuses of freedom of expression in the name of "Politically Correct". It seems ironic that one of the two European countries that is accused for the "Violation of the rule of law", for which the "rule of law" corresponds to the repression of freedom.

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The article Poland is the only country that wants to defend free speech against Facebook comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-polonia-e-lunico-paese-che-vuole-difendere-la-liberta-di-parola-contro-facebook/ on Thu, 24 Dec 2020 19:52:34 +0000.