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Prague: mass protest against the energy crisis and the government’s pro-EU and NATO policies

Some 70,000 people swarmed against the Czech government in Prague on Saturday , calling on the ruling coalition to do more to control rising energy prices and voicing opposition to the European Union and NATO.

The organizers of the demonstration, belonging to different political opposition groups of all political parties. they said the Central European nation should be military neutral and secure direct contracts with gas suppliers, including Russia.

According to police estimates, by mid-afternoon the number of demonstrators was around 70,000, although the number could have been higher by eye.

"The goal of our event is to ask for a change, especially to resolve the issue of energy prices, especially electricity and gas, which will destroy our economy in the autumn," said the co-organizer of the event. Jiri Havel to the iDNES.cz website.

The protest on Wenceslas Square in the city center took place a day after the government survived a no-confidence vote amid opposition protests over inaction against inflation and energy prices. The vote showed that the European energy crisis is fueling political instability, while the surge in energy prices is fueling inflation, already at levels never seen in three decades.

Prime Minister Petr Fiala, who leads the center-right five-party coalition, told CTK press service on Saturday that the protesters do not have the country's interests at heart. But they certainly have in mind how cold Prague is in winter, and how difficult it is now to have an income capable of paying for essential needs. Because the interests of a country are important only to the extent that the country has the interests of each of its citizens at heart, that it is not considered only as a pawn that can be spent on the chessboard of power.

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The article Prague: mass protest against the energy crisis and the pro-EU and NATO policies of the government comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/praga-protesta-di-massa-contro-la-crisi-energetica-e-le-politiche-filo-ue-e-nato-del-governo/ on Sat, 03 Sep 2022 18:36:43 +0000.