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Economic Scenarios

Radioradio: the idiotic vademecum of the press. Can you breathe or not?

By now several authoritative scientific sources question the effectiveness of the lockdowns and the closure of economic activities, which caused the misery of millions of Italy and one million more unemployed. despite this, the lockdowns continued, with further restrictions on Easter and Easter Monday.

Indeed, for Easter and Easter Monday they circulated numerous handbook by the mainstream press about "what you can and what you can not do." Long lists accompanied by doodling at low IQ test, framing pages with what we are allowed to do with such activities are not essential in the red zone, with long excursus on the inevitability of the mask. The doodles are necessary as now reading many mainstream newspapers, especially in these uncritical pages, seems to be proof of an IQ that is not exactly excellent. Of course, they could then specify how and where to breathe, drink, eat, go to the toilet. Then the goodies: if you run, then give sports activities, you can get out of the ordinary. If you walk, no. It really sounds like a joke, and we use polite terms.

A handbook that has not gone down to FabioDuranti, that so commented with EnricoMichetti in 'A Special Day'.

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The article Radioradio: the idiotic vademecum of the press. Can you breathe or not? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/radioradio-i-demenziali-vademecum-della-stampa-puoi-respirare-oppure-no/ on Wed, 07 Apr 2021 19:12:14 +0000.