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Economic Scenarios

Recovery Plan: for now no promoted. Even Berlin is not obedient enough

The king covery Fund is presented as the panacea for all the ills of Italy. Too bad that, for now, it is a kind of myth given that the plans of the various European countries, as it appears, have all been more or less overturned.

As reported by Tino Oldani on Italy Today every country has its cross. Let's see what is happening:

  • Spain, which thought it was the first in its class, had a very hardly digestible request made for a government, at least theoretically, of the left, that is, the increase of the years on which to count pension treatments, from 25 to 35, with a decline in pensions of well over 5%. The government is now in great difficulty on this issue;
  • France thought it had got away with it too, but it received the IMF's early warning on debt and, coincidentally, on pensions. In this case Macron should attempt that reform of the pension system which, together with other measures, gave birth to the Yellow Vests movement and led to major strikes, until the reform itself was withdrawn. Now Macron would be asked to start the dance again;
  • Even for Germany there is bad news. Merkel's plan has been criticized because "She would not have that fervor in reforms that she usually requires from other countries", in short, a nice slap. Again at the center of the controversy there is the problem of pensions and the lack of German reform.

When the top of the class are so harshly criticized, you can't think of getting away with it. In part we are already adhering to the European criteria: in the silence of the "Night Plots", typical of this government, next week the revision of the cadastral income will begin, which will be converted into a heavy property tax, exactly as the Commission wants. Then, like other large countries, we will start talking about pensions.

We remind you that the Recovery Plan is evaluated on the basis of 11 points which are evaluated only with two letters, “A” and “B”. But four categories must necessarily take an A, and they are:

  • Compliance with country recommendations (see assets for Italy);
  • ability to create jobs;
  • Compliance with the spending limit of 37% for the Green Deal;
  • Commitment to digitization:

If the Italian Recovery Plan does not respect this point it will not be approved. We remind you that Italy must shift taxation to the asset side, so you already know what your recovery plan will look like. It seems incredible that no one is seriously talking about it yet.

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The Recovery Plan article : currently not promoted. Even Berlin is not obedient enough comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/recovery-plan-per-ora-nessun-promosso-perfino-berlino-non-e-abbastanza-ubbidiente/ on Sat, 30 Jan 2021 14:17:59 +0000.