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Economic Scenarios

Rinaldi: with the gas price cap, Germany gives state aid contrary to EU regulations

Antonio Maria Rinaldi took the bull by the horns and presented a priority question to the Commission to find out whether the "price ceiling" of Germany, which intends to spend 200 billion to reduce the bills of households and businesses, does not constitute a illegitimate state aid according to the rules of the TFEU ruled by the European Union.

The answer is obvious and it is a yes: Germany subsidizes its companies with a non-agreed aid that causes a very strong distortion of the Community market, distorting competition. Our companies, which for a variety of reasons do not enjoy the same help, or not yet, are displaced by German competition.

All this is as evident as the sun, but we know that an old Italian rule applies in Brussels: “The rules are interpreted for friends and apply to opponents”. So we have been punished for "State aid" in many cases, from banks to Alitalia. Germany gives 200 billion and everything is fine.

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The Rinaldi article: with the gas price cap, Germany gives state aid contrary to EU regulations comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/rinaldi-con-il-tetto-sul-prezzo-del-gas-la-germania-da-un-aiuto-di-stato-contrario-alle-norme-ue/ on Tue, 04 Oct 2022 11:30:28 +0000.