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Russian ships and planes fire warning shots at British destroyers. Hot Black Sea

UPDATED ARTICLE: The Russian news agency Ria Novosti reports this fact that happened today:

The Black Sea Fleet, together with border guards, stopped the violation of the Russian border by the British destroyer Defender at Cape Fiolent, the defense ministry said.

As noted by the Russian army, at 11:52 am the British ship crossed the Russian border and entered the territorial sea at Cape Fiolent for three kilometers. He was warned of the use of weapons in the event of a border breach, but the destroyer crew did not react.

At 12:06 and 12:08 the border patrol ship opened warning fire. After another nine minutes, the Su-24m aircraft carried out a warning bombing, dropping four OFAB-250s in the direction of the destroyer.

At 12:23 pm the British ship left the borders of the territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation . "

The Russian Federation immediately contacted the British Embassy in Moscow to file a formal protest. This is a very dangerous event, and it takes place in the aftermath of a warning sent by the Russians to NATO to avoid excessive military maneuvers in the Black Sea.

It is not yet clear why a British destroyer attempted to enter waters that the Russians consider to be within their strict competence. Above all, it is not clear why the crew did not respond to the first warnings. Crimea is disputed between Ukraine and Russia, even though it is currently, in practice, part of the Russian Federation. It may have been a navigation error by the UK ship, or a test of Russian defense responsiveness in the Black Sea. Nor can it be assumed that the ship was heading towards the Kerch Strait to enter a Ukrainian port in the Sea of ​​Azov. There remains therefore a doubt about this dangerous incident, at least until we know the Bitannic vsion.


The British denied having entered the Russian territorial aquets, but Ukraine, for its part, confirmed the incident in question. This means that:

  • the UK does not recognize Crimean waters as Russian;
  • this happened in the aftermath of an agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom for the development of the Kiev fleet

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Article Russian ship and aircraft fire warning shots at British destroyer. Hot Black Sea comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/nave-ed-aerei-russi-sparano-colpi-di-avvertimento-a-cacciatorpediniere-britannico-mar-nero-rovente/ on Wed, 23 Jun 2021 11:59:17 +0000.