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Sarkozy investigated for criminal association in Libya. With 13 years of delay, we investigate the dirty game that led to tens of thousands of deaths

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According to AFP , former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been indicted for "conspiracy" in the ongoing investigation into suspicions of receiving Libyan money for his presidential campaign in 2007.

After four days of hearings, on Monday (12 October) the office of the National Financial Prosecutor (PNF) indicted Sarkozy for "criminal association" in the Libyan case. The release of the PNF indictment was only made public on Friday (October 16). Noblesse oblige …

Sarkozy – who was president of France from 2007 to 2012 – is said to have accepted around 50 million euros from Muammar Gaddafi, the later deposed leader of Libya, who was captured and killed in 2011 after a war strongly supported by Sarkozy himself. The amount was more than double the legal spending limit in French elections for the time, which was 21 million euros. Gaddafi's alleged payments to Sarkozy also violated foreign financing laws and declares the source of the campaign funds.

In 2018, Sarkozy was arrested and also charged with "corruption", "concealment of embezzlement of [Libyan] public funds" and "illicit campaign funding". Now join this new accusation to confirm the previous ones. In previous hearings Sakozy pleaded innocent and even filed appeals to have the case canceled, but the Court of Appeal instead decided to expand the investigations to the criminal association, involving his collaborators, Eric Woerth, Claude Guéant and Alexandre Djouhri, The investigation continues and maybe one day we will understand why, at a certain point, Sarò, financed by Gaddafi, declared war on him until he was dead. Now, thanks to him, Libya is in chaos and under Turkish or Russo-Egyptian influence. A colossal defeat for Europe.

If Sarkozy had been smart enough, perhaps he would have had to open a foundation, like Clinton's, to accept foreign donations, without any problem …

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The Sarkozy article under investigation for criminal association on Libya. With 13 years of delay, the dirty game that led to tens of thousands of deaths is investigated comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sarkozy-indagato-per-associazione-a-delinquere-sulla-libia-con-13-anni-di-ritardo-si-indaga-sullo-sporco-gioco-che-ha-portato-a-decine-di-migliaia-di-morti/ on Sat, 17 Oct 2020 12:13:58 +0000.