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Economic Scenarios



If on November 3 you divide the country into three zones, promising that we will have a peaceful Christmas, but then close everything right at Christmas

If after a month you say that Italy will become all yellow, but after ten days you put it back in the red zone

If on December 3rd you say that at Christmas we will finally be able to go to the restaurant, but then close everything on the days when the restaurateurs have already done their shopping

If you promise that from mid-month you will be able to go out to go to the shops, and you also put the public cashback money into it, but then you blame the Italians because they went out

If you do all of this and you think we're all fools here, you're not just clueless.
You are much, much more.

[ Giuseppe Palma ]

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The article SE… comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/se/ on Wed, 16 Dec 2020 20:37:54 +0000.