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Strike in France reduces the production of nuclear energy and becomes a net importer of electricity

Three reactors are operating at limited capacity due to union action, and the outage accounts for about 4.1% of total production Thursday morning, according to figures that were released by Reuters.

French nuclear power generation is at its lowest in 30 years due to an unprecedented number of outages in EDF's 56 reactor fleet.

As of 0810 on Thursday, France was a net importer of 6.4 GW of energy from Spain, Great Britain, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland, according to data from grid operator RTE. Once France was the powerhouse of Europe, now it is the continent's great energy sick man. This did not happen since the beginning of the registration system of the interchange between the various countries, in 2012.

Nuclear production is currently reduced to 27.3 GW, as the country is forced to take more than half of its fleet out of service due to corrosion and scheduled maintenance problems. The disruptions added to uncertainty over gas supplies this winter following Russia's invasion of Ukraine and helped push electricity prices to record highs in recent months.

So Europe is in an energy crisis because its main players, France and Germany, have committed gross programming errors: France, in pursuit of a fake market at a forcibly reduced price, has ignored both the maintenance problem by setting an energy price forcibly low that did not support the renewal of the plants, on the other hand unrealistic green policies were imposed. Moreover, Italy has not had a serious energy policy for years, all delegated to Brussels. Citizens will pay for these salty mistakes next winter.

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The article Strike in France reduces the production of nuclear energy and becomes a net importer of electricity comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/sciopero-in-francia-riduce-la-produzione-di-energia-nucleare-e-diventa-importatore-netto-di-elettricita/ on Fri, 23 Sep 2022 07:14:03 +0000.