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Sweden mentions its Gripen fighter in the latest aid package to Ukraine

The Swedish government has announced a substantial aid package to Ukraine, totaling 17 lots worth 4.6 billion Swedish crowns, equivalent to around 400 million euros. Interestingly, this package focuses on the purchase of new armaments rather than the transfer of existing stockpiles.

The aid includes weapons, military equipment and ammunition. There is also talk of Gripen fighters, although none have been transferred at the moment. In particular, half of the total sum, 2.3 billion crowns or 200 million euros, was allocated to the Gripen program.

These funds are intended to purchase essential components of the Gripen JAS 39C/D, which will then be reused for the new JAS 39E aircraft. The latest version of this aircraft is a substantial upgrade, incorporating significant changes, including wing size adjustments.

By investing in these new components, several JAS 39C/D models will be preserved from dismantling and, if the Swedish government decides, “they could be transferred to Ukraine in the future,” he said.

A curious decision that suggests reuse or sending

Despite discussions, the transfer of the Gripen fighters has not yet taken place due to fears that it could hinder the reception of the F-16 jets. The Swedish government remains committed to “creating the conditions for a potential future delivery of JAS 39 Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine.”

Ukrainian sources suggest that the allocation of funds for the transfer of Gripen fighters is a strong indicator that this will eventually happen. However, all the conditions surrounding this process involve not only the approval of the Swedish government, but also the permission of the United States, given that the Swedish Gripen extensively uses American components.

Another alternative is that the fighters, upgraded to the JAS 39/E version, would simply remain in reserve in the Swedish Air Force, at a similar level of upgrade to fighters in service.

JAS 39 Gripen E Source the Warzone

In itself, the JAS 39E is an excellent fighter for Ukraine, because it is less delicate than the F-16 and capable of starting and landing regularly from highways. However, Ukraine, which already has great difficulties in managing the F-16 and integrating it into its structures, would hardly be able to integrate another Western fighter. Not to mention the problem of training Ukrainian pilots.

So, even if the Gripen can do what the F-16s cannot, it is unlikely to be delivered to Kiev in the near future.

The other components of the aid package

Furthermore, Sweden's 17th aid package to Ukraine includes the purchase of MANPADS RBS 70. This deal, worth 500 million Swedish crowns [43.5 million euros], underlines the continued support for the armed forces. A similar investment will go into six CB90 cutters, which are being delivered to Ukrainian forces.

The package also includes anti-tank weapons, such as grenade launchers and mines. In line with this, previously delivered CV90s will receive an ammunition upgrade and up to 200 Pbv 302 armored personnel carriers with camouflage will be purchased.

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The article Sweden mentions its Gripen fighter in latest aid package to Ukraine comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-svezia-menziona-il-proprio-caccia-gripen-nellultimo-pacchetto-di-aiuti-allucraina/ on Tue, 10 Sep 2024 06:00:36 +0000.