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Syria: the government accuses the US of stealing 80% of the country’s oil production

On 9 August, the Syrian Ministry of Oil released a statement accusing US forces occupying Syria of being responsible for stealing most of the country's oil.

"Oil production during the first half of 2022 was approximately 14.5 million barrels, with an average daily production of 80.3 thousand barrels, of which 14.2 thousand are delivered daily to refineries", reads the press release from the Ministry of Petroleum.
The statement goes on to state that "US occupation forces and their mercenaries", referring to the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), "steal up to 66,000 barrels every single day from occupied camps in the eastern region," equal to about 83% of Syria's daily oil production.

According to the ministry's data, the Syrian oil sector has suffered losses of "about 105 billion dollars since the beginning of the war until the middle of this year" due to the US oil theft campaign.

In addition, the statement added that the financial losses suffered by the oil sector were accompanied by "loss of life, including 235 martyrs, 46 injured and 112 kidnapped".

On August 10, a video from a Russian attack helicopter was released on social media, showing a convoy of trucks operated by the US military smuggling stolen oil from Raqqah destined for Iraq. Recently, the US military, which currently occupies Syria, has steadily plundered the country's oil and smuggled it into its bases in Iraq via the illegal Al-Waleed border crossing.

Russian media sources have released an alleged footage of a convoy of foreign tankers smuggling oil out of Syria …

Local sources in the Syrian governorate of Hasakah reported on August 6 that the US military looted and smuggled dozens of oil tankers out of the country, making it the second shipment of oil stolen by the US that week.

Nearly 200 tankers full of plundered oil were brought out of Syria by US troops in July alone, a practice escalating.

On July 19, Russian President Vladimir Putin called on the US government to stop its constant plunder of Syria's natural resources. The US military is also responsible for looting the country's grain, exacerbating a severe food crisis that is afflicting Syria and the rest of Western Asia.

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The article Syria: the government accuses the US of stealing 80% of the country's oil production comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/siria-il-governo-accusa-gli-usa-di-rubare-l80-della-produzione-di-petrolio-del-paese/ on Thu, 11 Aug 2022 09:00:30 +0000.