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Tens of thousands of people protest the London Lockdown. Many arrests

Tens of thousands of people gathered in London to protest the continuation of the lockdown and the new police regulations, especially after the murder of Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old girl, who disappeared on March 3 and whose body was found in Kent, whose murder a police officer was accused of. All while discussing a new law on police powers.

The participation was wide, very wide, considering that all this was forbidden:

Here is another video showing the number of attendees today:

There were clashes with the police in certain areas, but not with the main group of demonstrators, also because the number of people was so large that they did not recommend direct intervention:

People are really tired in the UK also because, after an efficient and persistent vaccination campaign, they don't understand why they should continue with a lockdown that seems less and less logical.

These are the largest such manifestations seen so far.

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The article Tens of thousands of people protest the London Lockdown. Many arrests come from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/decine-di-migliaia-di-persone-protestano-contro-il-lockdown-londra-molti-arresti/ on Sat, 20 Mar 2021 17:29:41 +0000.