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The Dead and the Fear? they make the ratings explode. Here’s how CNN took advantage of Covid-19 to make money. Revelation from Project Veritas

"Covid-19 was the Gamebuster, the ace in the audience". Word of CNN

Thanks to Project Veritas, which published the second part of a private interview held with CNN Technical Director, Charlie Chester, we get a better, much better understanding of the fear-based project that allowed CNN to get its fill of you listen. For those who understand English we publish the complete video of the stolen interview, in which it explains well how Covid-19 has allowed to make listeners:

Charlie Chester states that when there are dead, but they're away from you, then they don't affect the viewer, they don't affect the viewer. So it was necessary to bring the dead close to the listeners and it was done by hammering on the daily deaths, on the dangers, placing the "Coordinator" of the dead and the cases next to the presenter, as if it were a battle.

Everything has been designed to create fear, and this has brought a great advantage to the network, otherwise, asphyxiated.

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The article The Dead and the Fear? they make the ratings explode. Here's how CNN took advantage of Covid-19 to make money. Revelation from Project Veritas comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-morti-e-la-paura-fanno-esplodere-gli-ascolti-ecco-come-la-cnn-ha-approfittato-del-covid-19-per-fare-soldi-rivelazione-da-project-veritas/ on Thu, 15 Apr 2021 12:00:24 +0000.