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The “deniers” of early home therapy

by Francesco Cappello

The cure for covid 19 exists
It is simple, it is done with traditional drugs . It is far from expensive. If applied with the right timing, it can save lives. Rather than lockdown, it is finally necessary to enable general practitioners to administer it extensively throughout the national territory .

Correct home therapy, administered early upon the appearance of the first symptoms, has so far been denied by officially recognized guidelines. Yet this practice would save the dangerous crowds in emergency rooms, covid wards and intensive care.
The correct early home treatment (tdp) is, in fact, able to save lives directly but also indirectly, leaving hospitals free for the treatment of other usual pathologies (see my The most dangerous gatherings occur in emergency rooms and hospitals ).

The tension and energies used in the propaganda of the health emergency have however concentrated almost exclusively on the poor reception capacity of the hospital system with respect to the dynamics of the spread of covid among the population and in particular on the lack of a sufficient number of places in intensive care .
This deficiency in the face of the rapid growth of the spread of the disease justified the total and partial segregations to which we were forced during the first and second waves, despite the fact that they involved the very damaging paralysis of a large part of the social and economic life of the country.
However, resuscitation and intubation represent the failure of treatment. The correct early home therapy being able to limit the evolution of the pathology, in almost all cases, to the first phase, the viral one. Patients who are properly and promptly assisted avoid moving on to the subsequent phases of the disease, which are increasingly critical and expensive from the point of view of the nature of the necessary therapeutic interventions and their probability of success.

At the beginning it was late in identifying the right mode of intervention also due to the disincentive to practice autopsies (WHO and ministry of health); precious time was lost. However in March our doctors had already conceived as an effective intervention strategy, an early home therapy based fans anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, heparin, and hydroxychloroquine (cortisone in the eventual second phase), plasmaimmune when needed. Precocious, because it was immediately clear how decisive the timeliness of the intervention was. In this regard, see the call conference of dr. Pierluigi Viale on the pathogenesis of Covid-19 and the related therapeutic indications

call conference dott. P. Viale

See also the testimonies of doctors Claudio Puoti , Salvatore Spagnolo , Luigi Cavanna , and others as well as the related requests directed to the ministry of health and the government to implement this method of intervention at national level.

The practicability of early home therapy
A maximum of 1500 patients are assigned to each general practitioner. As we know, they are widespread throughout the national territory.
The Italians who have officially come into contact with the virus, the so-called cases, are currently 1.5 million 1 out of sixty million inhabitants, or 2.5% of the population. 2.5% of 1,500 makes 37.5 or an average of about 40 patients that each doctor has had to manage for reasons related to covid to date; but beware, 80% of these do not require treatment as they are asymptomatic. 20% of 40 are equal to an average of 8 patients with symptoms entrusted to each general practitioner.
Certainly the distribution of cases and patients was not uniform. Some doctors, however, have been able to assist and treat up to 300 covid patients already in the first phase and with great success (practically none of the patients treated in tdp ended up in hospital).
Thespecial assistance continuity units and USCA have been designed and activated to intervene where necessary to support general practitioners.

Physicians who have successfully conceived and experimented with correct early home therapy (TDP) have however been frustrated in their requests . see ANSA ROME, 13 November 2020 .
The protocol for home care, developed by the working group of the Ministry of Health, in fact, not providing for the use of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and cortisone, and prevents the administration of hydroxychloroquine, has sown confusion among those family doctors who have successfully tested the tdp they had asked for it to be formalized so that it could more adequately spread the practice throughout the national territory with the decisive help of the ministry but at the exit of that protocol they immediately realized that their experience of care in the field it had been completely denied . In fact, they did not agree with the therapeutic indications: “No one questioned us” . In practice, the official protocol provides paracetamol (tachipirina) for febrile symptoms, anti-inflammatory only if the patient's clinical picture begins to worsen, cortisone only in an emergency.
No antirheumatic (hydroxychloroquine), no antibiotics. Heparin only for people who have difficulty moving.

In this regard, let's listen to Dr. Stefano Manera in the aftermath of the diffusion of the protocol for home care:

A news worthy of a Friday 13 of a leap year that will be remembered for a long time.
As you know I have always used prevention and "unconventional" medicine to treat myself and others, however I am sure that it is essential that a doctor knows and knows how to use all the therapeutic resources available, with the right criteria and the right times. .
For months we have been saying and writing how fundamental the use of cortisone, antibiotics and heparin is also early in the treatment of the disease.
There are studies showing its effectiveness and usefulness to save many lives.
Here it emerges, in black and white, that there is a clear will not to provide suitable care during home care .
They tell us the exact opposite: no antibiotics and cortisone, which until last year were prescribed to everyone, by all doctors, for every trivial flu!
We are not talking about hydroxychloroquine and hyperimmune plasma that were immediately banned from therapeutic plans with the excuse of the danger of side effects, quickly convincing everyone.

The role of the tampon
Waiting for the swab, even 10 or more days, in the presence of covid symptoms, almost entirely comparable to that of the flu, together with its non-treatment, postponed until the swab result was available, did the rest, preventing treatment early phase of the patient from the first phase, the purely viral one, in which the prompt pharmacological intervention of the general practitioner is decisive, able to block the covid drift towards the dangerous subsequent phases.
Hydroxychloroquine (plaquenil), together with heparin (clexane) (+ antibiotic), as long as its use was allowed, were the decisive drugs, the use of which, in early home therapy (at the appearance of the first symptoms) , avoided hospitalization and aggravation of covid patients. Conversely, the prolonged waiting for the outcome of the swab, in the presence of mild symptoms of the first phase, treated with paracetamol (tachipirina), guaranteed (caused) the worsening and transition of the disease to its subsequent phases, requiring hospitalization and in cases more unfortunate intensive care … All this has been known since the second half of last March, but the requests of thousands of doctors have remained unheard and indeed AIFA has banned the use of hydroxychloroquine and reiterated the very controversial one of tachipirine. In this regard, listen to the following testimony of Dr. Andrea Mangiagalli

The testimony of dr. A. Mangiagalli

We all know how decisive the increase in the “cases” curve was to legitimize and proclaim the second wave with the consequent need to paralyze the life of the country again. However, it continues to deny the unreliability of the swab with respect to the veracity of the diagnostic results it returns, despite the pronouncement of the ISS and the scientific literature of the sector that decreed its fallacy (see my Doubts to be buffered ).

In this regard, see

Palermo. “Unreliable tampons”: Codacons presents exposed to nine prosecutors in Sicily

Unreliability has been certified by the European Commission and the ISS (they provide up to 95% of false positives according to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità). The crimes of aggravated fraud, procuring alarm, false ideology and manslaughter have been hypothesized.

1 confirmed cases and probable cases

subsequent additions at

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The article The “deniers” of early home therapy comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-negazionisti-della-terapia-domiciliare-precoce/ on Thu, 26 Nov 2020 18:33:28 +0000.