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The dark side of the renewable energy boom: solar panels and waste

Morocco Noor Ouarzazate Concentrated Solar Power

As the world focuses on the transition to a more sustainable energy future, it is important to also consider the less “green” aspects of renewable technologies. One of these is the problem of disposing of solar panels, because this type of structure is not eternal, it loses power and is destined to be replaced. Without considering accidents and atmospheric events that can further shorten their life. What to do?

The dilemma of end-of-life solar panels

Solar panels, while designed to last decades, are not eternal. At the end of their life cycle, two questions arise: what to do with these panels and how to do it in a safe and sustainable way, above all by recovering the strategic raw materials that compose them and to prevent them from being released into the environment

A growing problem

The problem is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. It is estimated that by 2050 , the world will have accumulated 78 million tons of waste from solar panels. If not managed properly, this waste could contaminate the environment with dangerous substances such as lead and cadmium.

The challenges of recycling

There are various laws and regulations for recycling solar panels, but the actual recycling rate is still low. In Europe, for example, only around 10% of disused solar panels are recycled. The remaining 90% currently ends up in landfill, all despite the existence of WEEE legislation in the EU which would require its dismantling and recycling. In the USA there is an EPA regulation, which in turn comes from an international directive on the subject

The challenges of recycling are many:

  • Panel Complexity : Solar panels are made of different materials, some of which are difficult to separate and recycle.
  • High costs : Recycling can be more expensive than landfilling.
  • Lack of infrastructure : In many areas of the world, there is still no adequate infrastructure for recycling solar panels.

Possible solutions

There are several possible solutions to address the problem of waste from solar panels:

  • Improve recycling technologies : Developing new technologies could make recycling more efficient and convenient. Currently there are three ways for recycling: prolonging the path with thermal treatments of the crystals, partially recovering efficiency; mechanical recycling, practically crushing the pieces and separating the individual components, including the silica sand; chemical recycling, dividing individual materials using chemical reactions.
  • Promote producer responsibility : Solar panel manufacturers could be required to recycle their products at end of life, although this creates problems when panel manufacturers are not national or are entities that disappear after sale.
  • Raise awareness : It is important to educate consumers on the importance of proper disposal of solar panels.

Towards a more sustainable future

The renewable energy industry has the potential to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future. However, it is important to also address the environmental challenges associated with this technology. Only with a common commitment on the part of governments, companies and citizens will it be possible to find effective solutions for the disposal of solar panels at the end of their life.

In addition to solar panels:

  • Lack of space for wind and solar : Growing demand for renewable energy could lead to land use conflict.
  • Electrical Steel Price Volatility : Prices of this material used for wind turbines and solar panels are subject to fluctuations.

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The article The dark side of the renewable energy boom: solar panels and waste comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/l-lato-oscuro-del-boom-delle-energie-rinnovabili-pannelli-solari-e-rifiuti/ on Mon, 19 Feb 2024 11:00:34 +0000.