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The Flemish Catholic bishops launch the “liturgical blessing” of gay couples

The Church is experiencing a moment of confusion, or of conversion, or perversion, depending on the point of view. In Belgian Flanders they went much further by publishing a rite of blessing of homosexual couples, despite the negative opinion of the Congregation of the Faith. This last thing is of interest to very few now.

Let's see the news from the Aleteia website :

Belgian Cardinal Jozef De Kesel and the whole Flemish episcopate of Belgium have published a liturgy for the blessing of homosexual couples – the Flemish episcopate announced in a statement released today, 20 September 2022.

The three-page text, proposed by the Flemish bishops, includes a liturgical structure and two prayers intended for homosexual "spouses" and the community. In March 2021, however, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had affirmed that the blessing of same-sex unions – as a relationship involving sexual practice outside of marriage – could not be considered lawful.

The communiqué of the bishops proposes the development of a moment of prayer of which "the content and form" can be modified in agreement with a pastoral agent who accompanies the homosexual couple. This liturgy begins with an inaugural word, followed by an introductory prayer, a reading of the Scriptures, and then two other prayers. The first is intended for homosexual people who want to express "their mutual commitment". The second is intended for the community that surrounds the two "relatives", which "prays that the grace of God will act in it so that" in its own bosom "we take care of each other".

In other times, other Popes would have made heads fall, and perhaps not figuratively, for these facts. Now everything goes perfectly unnoticed

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The article The Flemish Catholic bishops launch the "liturgical blessing" of gay couples comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/i-vescovi-cattolici-fiamminghi-lanciano-la-benedizione-liturgica-delle-coppie-gay/ on Wed, 21 Sep 2022 20:43:55 +0000.