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The “Gestapo” of coffee: Australia in full force towards the police state

Do you want to know how a police state works in which citizens are forced to absurd constraints strictly observed in a senseless way? Here is the Australia of the lockdown, where if you take off your mask to drink coffee in the park, alone, there will be a zealous policeman who stops you to check your cup and see if you really have the coffee inside. Don't believe it, here's the video:

After verifying that the cup is full at least the policeman has the intelligence to tell him "Enjoy your coffee in the park". Thank you very much.

Australia is known for having implemented an extreme lockdown in an attempt to reach a mythical “Covid zero” situation, never reached. Indeed, the lockdown has seen a boom in cases. So Canberra and the individual states have moved on to vaccination obligations.

The incredible harshness in the repression has led to strong discontent even among the police ranks. For example, Victoria Police Sergeant Krystle Mitchell appeared in an interview in which she complained about the ethical problems anti-libertarian laws were causing in the state police. In the interview it is highlighted how even his colleagues are unhappy with how they have to apply absurd rules.

Being a police state the sergeant was fired later. You cannot have opposition in a police state: either you obey or you get beaten in a figurative or real way.

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The article The “Gestapo” of coffee: Australia in full force towards the police state comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-gestapo-del-caffe-australia-a-tutta-forza-verso-lo-stato-di-polizia/ on Sun, 17 Oct 2021 08:00:38 +0000.