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The history of the X MAS. Not to forget.

We present the video of God Save the Vintage which presents the history of the X MAS during the Second World War, in which the enterprises of the Special Corps are presented, talking about the "Pigs" or Lenta Corsa Torpedoes, the MAS, the raid motorboats, and the operations of the "Gamma Men", that is, the underwater raiders.

All this was then supported by the operations of the SIS, the secret service of the Royal Navy, in which unfortunately there were also spies. Attacks are presented first in Gibraltar then in Suda and then in Alexandria and Algiers. We remember the exploits of Borghese, Moccagatta, Durand De la Penne.

A short but heroic story worth remembering.

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The article The History of X MAS. Not to forget. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-storia-delle-x-mas-per-non-dimenticare/ on Sat, 25 Jun 2022 20:04:44 +0000.