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The impossible mission of the candidate chancellor of the SPD, Olaf Scholz

Juso's former head and current deputy of the party Kevin Kühnert himself clears him. You need to think more about this first, he says in his speech. There should be no doubt about the candidate or the program. In the end, the approval is huge for both of them.

The SPD debates during this latest party congress. He just unites around Olaf Scholz. The finance minister, however the only candidate born within the party, was chosen by the 600 delegates this last Sunday. The exultation is not as great as with Martin Schulz, who received 100% of the votes in the 2017 election as party leader, not least because delegates meet almost exclusively digitally due to the pandemic. But the support is clear: in the end, 96 percent vote for Merkel's current vice chancellor and that's a good percentage anyway.

In doing so, the Social Democrats are walking the only path that leaves them with some hope. Two candidates for the Chancellery have long been at the center of public debate. The candidate of the Greens Annalena Baerbock and the man of the Union Armin Laschet (CDU), and they play the position in a head to head until the last second, while the SPD appears condemned to defeat with its percentage between 14 % and 16%.

Scholz was a practically obligatory choice, also because his approval rate is higher than the party, so he comes to be the driving force. In a 30-minute speech, the current finance minister presented the four missions of the SPD: climate policy, modern mobility, faster digitalization, better health policy. Triviality that the CDYU also says and, with different tones, are even of the Greens. Then he remembers that he has a socialist root and talks about higher minimum wages, public investment and more state presence.

A bureaucratic speech, a bit slow and boring. In the end, banality envelops all the large German parties that are unable to renew their paradigms to align themselves with the modern world, neither towards a new right nor towards a new left. Nobody talks about the social and economic cost for the middle class of green policies, nobody talks about the demographic crisis and the literal danger of extinction of Europeans, not only culturally, but also physically. Green mobility is a simpler problem for everyone.

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The article The mission impossible of the candidate chancellor of the SPD, Olaf Scholz comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-missione-impossibile-del-candidato-cancelliere-della-spd-olaf-scholz/ on Mon, 10 May 2021 08:00:38 +0000.