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The only open theater is that of the government crisis (by P. Becchi and G. Palma on Libero)

Article signed by Paolo Becchi and Giuseppe Palma in Libero of January 26, 2021 :

Conte resigned. Finally one would say, given that thirteen days have passed since Renzi removed Iv's ministerial delegation from the government. The premier tried to resist like a Japanese holdouts by going in search of the "responsible", but he did not find them. The UDC at the moment has remained loyal to its allies, also because it is part of several center-right regional councils, while Berlusconi has lost some pieces but does not intend to act as a crutch for the yellow-reds.

However, the Prime Minister had obtained the confidence of the two Houses, even if only the relative one in the Senate, so he was not obliged to resign. The real crux was the interlude represented by the declarations scheduled for this week by Minister Bonafede on the state of justice, on which the government would go under. The resignation is born from this rock.

What will happen now? The consultations of the parliamentary groups at the Quirinale begin this afternoon and will end on Friday afternoon. At that point it is likely that the Head of State will already confer an exploratory assignment to Conte on Friday, limited to 2-3 days, to see if he can get an absolute majority also in the Senate, including Italia Viva and the "turncoats". Pardon, the " builders ". They are organizing and today at noon the junta for the Senate regulation meets with the request made by De Falco to obtain the symbol of the Democratic Center "Cd" from Tabacci on a "loan". Conte will carry out his "consultations" over the weekend and it will be there that Matteo Renzi will probably set some embarrassing stakes for the 5Stelle, such as via Alfonso Bonafede from justice and Maria Elena Boschi in her place. A way like any other to blow up the “ Conte ter ” and place another premier in Palazzo Chigi, which was appreciated by Renzi and the Pd. Patuanelli would suit everyone perfectly. What will the M5s do in the presence of the requests of IV and the "builders", also looking for a place in the sun in the new executive? Never again with Renzi he plays a bit like never with the Pd.

In this government crisis, it must be said, the real absentee up to now has been the relative majority party , the M5s, which expresses the beauty of over three hundred parliamentarians. The only thing that Di Maio was able to say is that elections must be avoided, so a government should be established at any cost – even at the risk of losing face – so much is there a mask that covers the embarrassment. With the cut of the parliamentarians and with the wind blowing in the country, in the event of early elections of those three hundred parliamentarians at least two hundred would remain at home, so it is highly probable that any request from Renzi and the "builders" will be accepted.

The government crisis is thus driven not by the relative majority party but by those who lost the elections, the Democratic Party, by a small party of 2%, Italia Viva, whose leader was the dem secretary in the defeat of March 4, 2018 and by … Tobaccos. They call it parliamentary democracy, in reality they are palace games that have little to do with democracy.

In all the government crises of the past, and there have been many in our country, it has always been the first party to direct the fate of the legislature, which at this moment is the great absent. The fate of this legislature , it must be said, is still in Renzi's hands. It was he who blew up the first alliance attempt between M5s and Pd in ​​April 2018, he was the one who gave life to the "Conte bis" in August 2019. And it is always he who led Conte to resign yesterday, it will depend on him the birth of any "Conte ter".

The M5s attends the window: do anything but early voting. Will we therefore have the same majority with another premier? Would not change a thing. A different majority open to Forza Italia or part of it with Conte? Will the M5s accept, after having digested Renzi and then Mastella, to also ally with a part of Forza Italia? Will the "builders" be enough? We'll see. There is absolutely no sense in what is happening: a antics, a carnival . The risk is to end up from the pan into the embers.

by Paolo Becchi and Giuseppe Palma in Libero of 26 January 2021

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Literary Tips :

1) by Paolo Becchi and Giuseppe Palma, “ DEMOCRACY IN THE QUARANTINE. How a virus has swept the country ", Historica edizioni, April 2020.

Here the links for the purchase :

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  • by Giuseppe Palma, « Dante, from language to homeland. In the seven hundredth anniversary of his death (1321-2021) we are still "Sons of the thirteenth century" » , with an extract from the preface by Gabriele d'Annunzio for the monumental edition of the 1911 Comedy , Gds, March 2020 (e-book edition); April 2020 (paper edition).

A) Edition in E-book:



B) Print edition :

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The article The only open theater is that of the government crisis (by P. Becchi and G. Palma on Libero) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lunico-teatro-aperto-e-quello-della-crisi-di-governo-di-p-becchi-e-g-palma-su-libero/ on Wed, 27 Jan 2021 21:02:17 +0000.