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The trap for Salvini that will imprison the Italians in the spring

The glossy Musso carries out an interesting political analysis on Atlantico Quotidiano of which we propose some interesting passages and which we will complete with a comment and a series of additions. Here is the general summary:

What did Mieli write? Who left Giorgetti to write? What can Salvini do? The electoral strength of the right is intact. Despite months of state nonsense about the Recovery Fund. But, "between now and next spring", the Recovery Fund bubble will have burst and so they gentlemen will call the Troika. Only, to do so, they need to involve the right-wing opposition with intact electoral strength. And why? The answer is easy: lorsignori need a substantially authoritarian political regime, devoid of opposition … Consequently, Salvini is asked to make a revolution, abandoning the road of adventure, to reach the European raft. In exchange they nominate him for mayor of Milan… But what if Salvini doesn't fall for it?

and two significant passages:

A) Which Giorgetti, in fact the same morning had delivered to Verderami an attack on the white weapon to the delegation of the League in the European Parliament, with the excuse of "not having voted the motion against the dictator Lukashenko", rather comical at the time which Germany tirelessly completes Nord Stream 2 ;

and the second

B) Mieli does not talk about a defeat of the right in Sunday's elections, on the contrary: "they have an almost intact electoral heritage, they have not lost and have not been defeated", "the Italian right has not been defeated". [2] And then, "this legislature could blow up due to an accident, indeed, I think it is likely that between now and next spring it will blow up due to an unexpected event, an accident (…) I think an accident is likely, one of those that change history"

What Musso says is simple and logical: The Commission and the Italian dirty powers, of which Mieli is the official spokesperson, cannot think of imposing the Trika and an anti-democratic external power against the will of 50% of Italians, expressed in the center right. The work was successful in Greece only because there was a fake opposition, that of Syriza and Tsipras, who then directly took charge of the dirty work in order to enjoy a few years of power and probably be able to do some pleasure to some men strong. This is why the Powers of Evil, no problem to say, want Meloni and Salvini inert as mayors of Rome and Milan, where they will not be able to do better or worse than their predecessors: at that point their parties would be led by inert men, Giorgetti style, eventually aligned or aligned with power. After having destroyed the last "Goalkeeper", "Goalkeeper", another power has to be made. Anything, not to let the people rule.

Giorgetti also speaks, but does not seem to have read the "Famous" motion against Lukashenko (O Lukashenka), indeed it appears to be remote controlled by the strong powers, in this case. Because if he had read it he would know very well that it was essentially a fake document. Indicating Putin as an accomplice to the fraud in Belarus is a blatant falsehood that violates the reality of the facts: 30 Russians were imprisoned by the Lukashenko government right on the eve of the elections on the accusation of being mercenaries in the pay of Moscow to overthrow the Minsk government . The small ally had flatly refused Putin's authorization to build an air base on his territory, and Lukashenko's attempts to break away from his bulky neighbor were evident. Only uninformed or frankly superficial people can support a motion that was based on some sort of false premise that Moscow and Minsk had plotted together to falsify the elections.

It is possible to condemn the electoral fraud and above all the subsequent police repression without saying a lot of lies. We could indeed say that it was the ineffective, but with ferocious words, Western diplomatic initiative that threw Belarus back into the hands of Russia. But Giorgetti appears to ignore all this, or pretends to ignore it in order to shoot the Brussels cannon in the pile. Furthermore, Europe will never do anything serious against Moscow, or against Ankara, due to Germany's close economic ties with these two countries. It would be enough to block Nord Stream 2 and turn to LNG gas, or block the remittances of Turkish emigrants in Germany, Belgium and Holland, to put these two countries in economic difficulty, but Berlin, and therefore Brussels, will never do so. With all due respect to Giorgetti.

The problem for Mieli (and Giorgetti) arises if Salvini and Meloni do not back down. The Conte government is in the process of implosion and the elections have NOT strengthened it. They delayed the early vote, yes, but they do not prevent new elections from coming with a different government. on the contrary it is very likely that, once the “Recovery Fund” illusion is canceled, Gualtieri and Conte explode like two over-inflated balloons. If Salvini and Meloni are not inerted, they will be the ones to define the strategies and partners, much to the shame of the dirty powers. Don't worry, however, they will still have two possibilities:

  • the elimination by judicial means, of which the prodrome can be seen;
  • the violent elimination, last resort, but which would be attributed to the "extreme" positions of these politicians, as happened for the Tuscan accident of the rosary snatched from Salvini. You have not heard a word of condemnation from the mass media for this fact.

We hope none of this happens. Sometimes Fate, Providence or Fortune are still able to make history …

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The article The trap for Salvini that will imprison Italians in the spring comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-trappola-per-salvini-che-imprigionera-gli-italiani-a-primavera/ on Sat, 26 Sep 2020 09:36:47 +0000.