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Economic Scenarios

The truth will decide OPEN, the new Facebook Fact Checker

The truth will decide OPEN. As the same newspaper owned by the social cooperative GOL proudly states : From April 2021, the Fact-checking section of Open has become part of the members of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN), adhering to a rigorous code of conduct that distinguishes our work since the birth of our newspaper: impartiality, fairness, transparency of sources, transparency of funding, a clear working methodology and the commitment to rectify or update our contents as required by the code of ethics that is part of the DNA good journalism ".

So the truth about FB will be the one certified by Open, instead of the one that should be formed by a comparison and a statistical distribution of the various visions. Because, as the mystery writers teach, the truth has many aspects, almost one for each of the participants. In the scientific world, truth is formed by exactly the opposite, by refuting the commonly accepted truth or that proposed by others.

A fool who writes a nonsense does not need a fact checker, but another common person to send him to that country. What might be nonsense today often prepares to be a truth tomorrow. Not to mention that in the US there have been several cases of prestigious fact checkers forced to renege on their statements , often politically guided.

We wish Open that becoming Facebook's Fact Checker at least guarantees good economic income, given that the publishing company seems, according to rumors from “Fact Ceccare”, to be not particularly flourishing , with three employees left at home. For the rest, I invite our readers to do the “fact checker” of themselves, exercising that little bit of salt in their noses. A much more useful exercise than in the gym.

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The article The truth will decide OPEN, the new Facebook Fact Checker comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-verita-la-decidera-open-il-nuovo-fact-checker-di-facebook/ on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 06:00:46 +0000.