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The UN provided the names of Chinese dissidents directly to Beijing!

Contrary to UN denials, UN human rights officials provided the names of Chinese dissidents to the Beijing Communist regime before those activists could testify in Geneva against the Chinese Communist Party's abuses, according to a series of reported emails. from The Epoch Times .

Indeed, leaked documents show that the practice of handing over the names of Chinese dissidents to the dictatorship had now become a "habitual practice" by all parties involved. The whistleblower inside the UN told The Epoch Times it still continues today, despite denials from the UN.

The Chinese Communist authorities used the names received from the UN to prevent dissidents from leaving China. At least one dissident identified by the UN and detained by the CCP before leaving for Geneva, Cao Shunli, died in detention.

If a dissident had already fled abroad then the CCP leaders kidnapped the relatives intimidated the relatives in order to force the informant to retract, The human rights activist collected the information and leaked it outside the Glass Palace. , and UN employee; Emma Reilly, who provided the documents and confirmed everything in a radio interview.

Then the United Nations would have handed over to the executioners the people who were supposed to testify against Beijing. How does Emma Reilly know these things? Simply because it was his boss who sent this information. What happened to this person when this information was leaked? She was promoted.

Emma Reilly has the emails and royal documents proving this UN behavior!

Critics of the regime whose names were handed over by the United Nations included activists concerned about Tibet, Hong Kong, and the Uyghur Islamic minority in western China, all targeted by the CCP for various reasons.

In February 2020, The Epoch Times reported on Reilly's scandal and retaliation for attempting to expose and stop the practice. Reilly's case at the UN is ongoing. She remains employed there, but is under "investigation" for making these incredible facts known.

Leading human rights organizations around the world have criticized the United Nations practice for endangering the lives of dissidents and their families.

In comments to The Epoch Times, Reilly described him as a "criminal" and even claimed that he made the UN "complicit in the genocide."

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The article The UN gave the names of Chinese dissidents directly to Beijing! comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lonu-forniva-i-nomi-dei-dissidenti-cinesi-direttamente-a-pechino/ on Sat, 27 Feb 2021 07:00:00 +0000.