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The US admits: it is difficult to find gas for Europe in the event of a conflict with Putin

The White House is facing uncounted logistical challenges in its efforts to secure alternative natural gas supply to Europe if Russian supply is cut off in the event that Russia invades Ukraine, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Wednesday. That the company is at the limit of the impossible is quite obvious: the EU produces only 50% of its gas, and for the rest, imported, only 10% was LNG. Where are the regasification plants needed to offset 39% of the total imports from Russia?

The US administration is in talks with energy companies and major gas producing countries globally about the potential for a large natural gas supply to Europe in the event that Russian deliveries are disrupted. Norway and Qatar, major gas producers and exporters, are among the countries the US has discussed increased supply to European customers, US officials familiar with the talks told CNN earlier this week. meanwhile, even the very longest Australia has offered to send liquefied petroleum gas to Europe, and this nation is currently the largest producer of liquefied gas in the world, even though its markets are not usually European ones.

Russia, which supplies more than a third of the natural gas consumed by Europe, could use gas supplies as a weapon if the West imposes sanctions on Moscow for a possible invasion of Ukraine, European allies of the United States fear. Furthermore, in the event of military action and subsequent energy sanctions against Russia, Europe will be the first and most affected, including the gas supply from the Russian gas monopoly Gazprom, analysts say.

On Tuesday, Press Secretary Psaki said the United States was working to identify additional volumes of non-Russian natural gas from North Africa and the Middle East, Asia and the United States.

"We are in discussions with major natural gas producers around the world to understand their ability and willingness to temporarily increase natural gas production and allocate these volumes to European buyers," Psaki added.

"And we are also engaging with major LNG buyers and suppliers to ensure the flexibility of existing contracts and storage management and enable diversion to Europe," he said, adding that as of Tuesday there have been no announcements from. part of the gas producers of Fare.

On Wednesday, Psaki acknowledged that “there is no doubt that there are logistical challenges, in particular the displacement of natural gas. We know it. This is part of our discussion with many of these companies and countries ”.

"But again, these conversations are ongoing and we don't intend to fail ," Psaki said.

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The article The US admits: it is difficult to find gas for Europe in the event of a conflict with Putin comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gli-usa-ammettono-e-difficile-trovare-gas-per-leuropa-in-caso-di-conflitto-con-putin/ on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 07:00:02 +0000.