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The US begins to evacuate the Kiev embassy. Maximum voltage

The Guardian warns us that the non-essential personnel of the embassy in Kiev, Ukraine, especially after the Russians have started moving fighters and vehicles to Belarus.

The U.S. Embassy in Ukraine has called for the evacuation of all non-essential personnel amid growing fears of an impending Russian invasion and the overnight arrival of the arms deliveries promised by President Joe Biden, according to a report by the CNN.

US evacuations are likely to begin "as early as next week," the US cable news network said, citing a source close to the Ukrainian government.

At the same time, the Russian embassy in Washington DC has called on the West to "end the hysteria", assuring that there are no plans to invade Ukraine. Earlier this week he posted a message on Twitter, saying: “Let us stress once again: Russia will not attack anyone. The practice of moving troops on our soil is a sovereign right ”. meanwhile, the US has sent more supplies and advanced weapons to Ukraine.

During Friday's talks in Geneva between Antony Blinken and Russian FM Sergey Lavrov, there were positive signs that the dialogue was opening towards a reduction in escalation. Soon after, the US Embassy in Kiev published photographs of the newly arrived shipments of lethal aid provided by the Americans to Ukrainian forces. The Russians did not lag behind and moved fighters to Belarus, so Ukraine is now in the middle of a possible attack trajectory.

Will the Russians attack Ukraine? Only God (and perhaps Putin) knows. Personally, as they say online IMHO, no. Russia is achieving its goal without spending a man or a direct bullet. it puts tension in the West, causing rifts and putting European economies in difficulty, without doing anything. Paradoxically, military action would justify reactions that could objectively harm him. Why give up on winning without doing anything?

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The article The US begins to evacuate the embassy in Kiev. Maximum tension comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/gli-usa-iniziano-a-sgomberare-lambasciata-di-kiev-tensione-al-massimo/ on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 18:26:25 +0000.