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Economic Scenarios

Treaty of the Quirinale: The small bombs hidden in a mediocre document

Well done, the Quirinale treaty is signed with great pomp. New ties between Italy and France, with a tone of general subjection of the former over the latter because, let's face it, the French cannot understand an equal relationship with Italy. It is not in their roots, and it is not even in that of our ruling classes, always ready to bow to the wishes of the foreigner. After all we are the country of "France or Spain, as long as if magna", where the meal is the rich one of those behind the wheel.

However we see, in the sea of ​​usual good-natured shit that now plagues any international political document, what are the major threats:

Article 1 paragraph 3. Recognizing that the Mediterranean is their common environment, the Parties develop synergies and strengthen coordination on all issues affecting security, socio-economic development, integration, peace and the protection of human rights in the region, including combating the exploitation of irregular migration. They promote a fair and sustainable use of energy resources. They also undertake to foster a common European approach in policies with the Southern and Eastern Neighborhood. So France will consult us on its policies on Libya, or it's the other way around.

Article 2 paragraphs 6 and 7

6. The Parties undertake to strengthen the already fruitful exchange of military personnel, as well as the significant ongoing activities in the field of education and training in the security and defense sector.
7. The Parties undertake to facilitate the transit and stationing of the armed forces of the other Party on their territory. Should we have our troops pass through French territory? The opposite will be more likely. In the event of a conflict, the law of transit draws us directly into it, without any political evaluation, because we support a party to the dispute.

Article 3 European policies .

In general, there is talk of coordinating the policies of the two countries on various issues, where our interests may NOT coincide with those of France, including energy. We highlight two points:

4. The Parties favor joint initiatives aimed at promoting transparency and citizen participation in the European decision-making process, as well as concerted actions for a greater democratization of the European institutions. In this sense, they undertake to encourage intellectual debate on Europe, including between their respective civil societies.
5. The Parties favor, where appropriate and within the framework envisaged by the Treaties of the European Union, a more extensive use of the qualified majority system for taking decisions in the Council. DO NOT read citizen participation as referendum or direct democracy, am as participation by groups of citizens chosen to feign popular support for elite decisions. Since it is not possible to govern the EU democratically, a fake democracy is created to legitimize it. Point 6, decisions not by unanimity, but by qualified majority, is a way to silence those who do not align and should shake anyone who believes in popular government.

Article 4 Migration Policies . As it is written, everything needs to be reviewed. There is no Italian commitment for direct refoulement, but it seems written to facilitate the repatriation to Italy of migrants who have passed through France.

Article 5 paragraph 5 5 . A consultation forum has been set up between the ministries responsible for the economy, finance and economic development. It meets annually at the level of the competent Ministers in order to ensure a permanent dialogue within two distinct segments: the first on macro-economic policies; and the second on industrial policies, on the rapprochement of the economic fabrics of the two countries, on the European internal market and on industrial cooperation involving companies from the two countries. As orders from Brussels and Berlin are not enough, we also go to Paris to ask for them.

Article 6 Social and environmental policies

3. The Parties work to integrate climate protection into all policies and promote youth mobilization in this area, as well as that of private individuals, through multi-actor coalitions. They also work together to accelerate action to adapt to climate change.
4. The Parties work towards decarbonisation in all appropriate sectors, in particular by developing renewable energies and promoting energy efficiency. Translation in the vernacular:

  1. more propaganda and more "Gretini";
  2. private individuals, ie the French multi-utilities, will take care of making us "green", or "broke";
  3. Nuclear is green, so we will finally have Franco-Italian, that is, French nuclear power.

Article 7 Space

2. In order to improve their capabilities to operate jointly in space, the Parties develop and promote bilateral cooperation at the industrial, scientific and technological level, in particular within the framework of the European Union and the European Space Agency. As already decided, ASI is demolished in favor of ESA, with damage to Italian companies.

Article 7 Cultural collaborations. Translatable as "We will learn French, they will not learn Italian, English adieu".

A mediocre treaty, indeed not a good one. I do not add anything else. An agreement born of an intellectual subjection that, by now, seems to reign in Rome.

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The article Treaty of the Quirinale: The small bombs hidden in a mediocre document comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trattato-del-quirinale-le-piccole-bombe-nascoste-in-un-documento-mediocre/ on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 15:23:06 +0000.