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Trump remains to lead the Republican Party and prepares for 2024. Pompeo harshly attacks Biden

"Did you miss me?" this was the opening sentence of Trump's speech

In an upcoming Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) speech, former President Donald Trump, Trump does not break the Republican Party, renounce any new party and pave the way for what he called a "Triumphal Path"; presumably towards the new presidential elections of 2024.

Meanwhile Mike Pompeo, the former Secretary of State, has harshly attacked Biden for both foreign policy and economic policy and the blockade of new pipeline projects, accusing the new administration of defending the environment at the cost of labor. of the Americans. He also claimed that he made important decisions in the Middle East without causing new wars, which he must be given:

Trump has kept a relatively low profile since leaving the White House last month and his public statements have been few and far between, also likely due to his banning from all major social media. As such, his headline appearance Sunday at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was highly anticipated.

Among other issues, Trump has severely attacked the "culture of cancellation" that is typical of the American left.

Trump called rumors that he would found a new party that would "divide the Republican electorate," bragging about the numbers he enjoys in the party, "Fake news".

The president also recalled the figure of Rush Limbaugh, the hugely popular radio host among conservatives who recently passed away.

Here is the speech in its entirety

President Trump's CPAC speech has higher ratings and more views than Joe Biden's State of the Union…

He harshly attacked the Biden administration stating that, in a month, it went from "America First" to "America Last", America at the end.

Trump also boasted about the wall built on the border with Mexico, over 1300m, He then harshly attacked the "Catch and release", "Catch and release" policy on irregular migrants of the Democrats, bragging that he was able to contain illegal immigration. He attacked Biden claiming that his policy prepares a "Humanitarian Disaster".

Biden's energy policy then came under fire, with the blockade of the great Keystone pipeline and the policy of “green” energy, such as wind, which left Texas in the dark.

Trump also talked about China and the trade deficit with Beijing.

From the point of view of internal politics, he highlighted how a reform of the electoral systems of individual states is necessary, by passing new laws in the individual legislatures of the states so that the fraud of 2020 no longer takes place. The current electoral system has been defined as "Corrupt and illegal". On this issue, the former president was interrupted by applause. He then attacked the Supreme Court for failing to have the courage to acknowledge the fraud. " We need an election day, not 45 election days ".

However, the public had an extremely positive attitude towards Trump, often interrupting him with applause and cheers. MAGA hats and banners were everywhere in the Orlando hotel hosting the conference, and the former president's son, Donald Jr., referred to the event as "TPAC" (Trump Political Action Conference) in his speech in Friday.

If anything this convention has shown is that, despite the dissidents, the Republican Party is "Trump's stuff . "

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The Trump article remains to lead the Republican Party and prepares for 2024. Pompeo attacks hard Biden comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/trump-resta-a-guidare-il-partito-repubblicano-pompeo-attacca-duramente-biden/ on Mon, 01 Mar 2021 07:00:31 +0000.