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USA: the covid deaths of 2021 exceed those of 2020, and there is one month left. And the vaccines? And the treatments?

There are some data that are really worrying the US experts, also because they are certain, incontrovertible data, and with heavy repercussions.

The death toll in the US in 2021 has already surpassed that of 2020 with a full month to go. We went ahead …

In the US, vaccination campaigns started early and currently 59% of the population is vaccinated. States with high numbers of vaccinees (New England, for example) are not seeing a decline in the number of cases.

The death toll in the United States of 2021 took some doctors by surprise. Vaccinations and precautionary measures such as social distancing and reduced public events to curb the spread of infections and minimize severe cases were expected, but they did not help reduce the number of deaths. The Wall Street Journal also has its own explanation, suggesting that lower-than-expected immunization rates and fatigue with precautionary measures like masks have allowed the highly contagious Delta variant to spread, largely among the unvaccinated, epidemiologists say. We are in a situation where, in theory, doctors know theoretically what to do, but this doesn't seem effective.

Among the missteps, Dr. Abraar Karan, an infectious disease physician at Stanford University, said public health officials have failed to effectively communicate that the purpose of vaccines is to protect against severe Covid cases. 19 rather than preventing the spread of infection, which may have led some to question the effectiveness of therapies and vaccines.

The CDC says there is a mistake in the death count, that the case counts have been higher this year, but we'll soon figure that out, because the case trend has been growing sharply in the past few weeks. The dead could follow.

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The US article : 2021 covid deaths exceed those of 2020, and one month to go. And the vaccines? And the treatments? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/usa-i-morti-covid-del-2021-superano-quelli-del-2020-e-manca-un-mese-e-i-vaccini-e-le-cure/ on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 20:45:09 +0000.